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Praying for your children

Praying for your children

I say a prayer with my daughter every morning. It’s more like speaking affirmation over them, but she understands that it is a prayer to our God. Grounding children in habits of spirituality is much more important than getting them to commit to a particular religion. That’s a loaded statement, and there is a lot of hoopla around “spirituality” vs. “religion” that I’ll refrain from. But being clear and deliberate about your spiritual practices will certainly help children have a clearer understanding of what it is that you believe and help them apply it to their lives. Praying with your children is a good place to start, not to mention praying for your children.

It can start with a simple morning prayer 

Taking time to intentionally pray with your kids and for them can help them grow in faith. It also builds a firm foundation of trust as they progress in life. 

Prayer is a powerful way to communicate with God. Moreover, prayer is a great way to practice your faith and connect with God. Praying for your children is a powerful way to connect with them, and praying as a family can strengthen your relationship. Additionally, prayer creates a strong foundation of faith. 

Praying For Your Children

Whether you’re brand new to the concept of prayer or you and your family have been praying together for a while, there are some steps you can take to maximize the effectiveness of your prayer time and bring your whole family closer to God. 

  1. Try to have your children there to hear you pray for them: Listening to you pray for them can improve their self-image. Listening to you pray also teaches prayer through example. Of course, there will be times when you pray for them by yourself, as well.
  2. Figure out when and where you’ll pray together: Deciding when you’ll pray every day and ensuring everyone is on the same page about expectations is an important part of prayer as a family. Determine whether or not you’d like to plan a set prayer regimen. This can really help in encouraging a habit of prayer.
  3. Choose morning, night, or both prayer times: Morning prayer sets the tone for the day, whereas night prayer may help children contemplate as they drift off to sleep.
  4. Set a routine for prayer: Do you always pray about the same things or is it different every time? Is there a prayer list? Are you speaking affirmations over them?
  5. Lastly, incorporate affirmations: Make sure that you are affirming certain things during prayer time. This again goes back to self-mage Let your child hear the great things you say about them.

Prayer is a personal experience, and kids should be encouraged to pray in their own way. But praying with your kid brings you closer to them as you are listening to their needs and watching them lift them up to God. 

Finally, make sure you’re always setting a good example within the home. Kids should be able to see parents praying together and individually so that they can learn how to carry on the habit of prayer. Explain to them why it’s important, and how God has responded in your own life. 

Share Personal Stories

Discuss how prayer has blessed you, and encourage your children to talk about their own experiences with prayer. Creating an environment that’s supportive and open will help to nurture all members of your family in their faith, and will help to keep your family focused on the blessings that God provides. 

Getting started with prayer can seem intimidating, but with a little guidance and consistency, it’s an excellent way to strengthen your relationship with God and your family. Don’t be afraid to explore prayer and incorporate it into your everyday life. Be patient as your family learns and grows in prayer, and enjoy watching God move in and through your lives.

Praying for your child
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Praying for your child
Taking time to intentionally pray with your kids and for them can help them grow in faith and build a firm foundation of faith.
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